Friday, July 31, 2009

The evil of banality

Manny and Big Papi have joined the 2003 Leaked Names List, finally putting an official aura of anabolic steroids around 2004's Fellowship of the Bloody Sock. All of which ticks off Curt Schilling, but not nearly as much as the mealy mouthed excuses and half denials:

Female estrogen? I didn’t know what I was taking? I had no idea it was steroids? Do you honestly for one second think ANY player, ANY professional athlete who has been caught up in this allowed a cream to be rubbed, a needle to be stuck, or a pill to be taken and wasn’t aware that the substance was or was not a steroid?

Fans of Barry Bonds, the King of Control Freaks, take note.

Manny, of course, has already joined the Hall of Denial this year in L.A. And Ortiz always looked suspicious to me. The boost in numbers from his Twins career to his Red Sox career seemed a lot better than just a switch to Fenway Park would suggest. Here's his OPS+, which is park adjusted, as a Twin and a Red Sok:

Year  Age   G       OPS+
1997 21 15 MIN 107
1998 22 86 MIN 111
1999 23 10 MIN -43
2000 24 130 MIN 101
2001 25 89 MIN 106
2002 26 125 MIN 120
2003 27 128 BOS 144
2004 28 150 BOS 145
2005 29 159 BOS 158
2006 30 151 BOS 161
2007 31 149 BOS 171
2008 32 109 BOS 123
2009 33 93 BOS 82

See a bright line there from 2003 to 2007? It's hard to spot, but try.

Here's Joe Torre's reaction, by the way:

I don’t think fans need to get chapter and verse on each individual and why and how much and when. We need to get their trust. I don’t think they need that information. I think they just need to know we’re doing everything we can to get this game back to where we want to have it.

That's so much garbage. Torre must think the guys at retrosheet spent the 1980s saying, "I'm not sure precisely how many hits Ty Cobb had in his career, but that's cool. I can let it be."

Chapter and verse is exactly what a large proportion of baseball fans need. We need to know exactly what happened, every season, every game, every play, every pitch, every trade, every minor change in uniform logo, every drug test, everything.

Screw your self-serving and idiotic confidentiality agreements. Tell us. Tell us everything.

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